Art classes offer students a change of scenery, so to speak, from their standard academic courses, a chance for students to explore interests and talents beyond math or history or science. For a small school, PCD offers a wide array of arts options for students. From sculpture to choir, jazz band to digital photo, acting to printmaking, students are exposed to an array of fields over their time at the school.

Unsatisfied still, the art department has in recent years offered a winter arts session, in which students can switch out of their normal art electives and into one of a number of choices for either two or three days each week. The session effectively doubles the number of art offerings at the school and allows students a great opportunity to broaden their experiences. Over the coming few weeks we will take a look at several of the offerings.

One of the most popular — and least conventional — choices is knitting. Led by Upper School History Teacher Alanna Morris and Middle School Dean Sharon Hanover, ten students have been knitting three days each week. Several are experienced knitters, looking for an opportunity to hone their skills. But many others are new, and some admitted that had it not been for the winter session there is little chance they would be knitting any time soon. "I am usually in choir, but I decided to take knitting because I wanted a change of scene," said Harrison Igoe '15, amidst a room of students creating scarfs of all sizes. "After doing it for a couple weeks it's definitely different! But I really like it."
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